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Small Business Digital Banking


Making small business digital banking more convenient for your business.

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What is Small Business Digital Banking?

Small business services are a set of online banking features specifically designed for the needs of small and micro businesses in Canada. Straightforward to use and accessible anytime, anywhere, small business services can help small business customers better manage their finances so they can stay focused on their core business. Our small business platforms include Forge Small Business Services and MemberDirect® Small Business Services. The primary features of our small business platforms include:

Dual Signature Support

The dual signature support feature enables small and micro business customers with a two-to-sign requirement to conduct transactions online. One signer can initiate a transaction, such as a bill payment or transfers, via their desktop or mobile devices for the other signer to approve. The second signer can approve or reject each submitted transaction.

Delegates (Multiple User Support)

The multiple user support feature means delegate user profiles can be created for staff members. Signers can assign either “initiator” or “view-only” permissions to designated users and specify which accounts they can access.

Account Consolidation

The account consolidation feature allows signers (business owners) to group their personal and small business accounts together so they can view account balances and conduct transactions between these accounts using a single login. Consolidated accounts are visible only to the signer who combines them. This ensures that even when there are multiple signers on a business account, each signer can only see their own personal accounts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Small Business Services online banking offers the same features as personal online banking, with the addition of powerful features to help you save time and stay on top of your cash flow:

  • Delegate others to view business accounts and initiate transactions.
  • Consolidate your accounts so that you can see your business and personal accounts using a single login.
  • Set up dual signers on business accounts that require two people to approve payments and transfers.

Many small businesses, such as partnerships, require two people to approve payments and transfers from business accounts. Our dual signature feature brings this process online by allowing you to designate two signers who must approve transactions from an account before it can be completed.

You can have as many signers as you would like for one account. With Small Business Services online banking, our dual signature feature allows any two of those signers to act as dual signers for any single transaction. Contact Sunrise Credit Union to set up the appropriate online banking access.

A delegate is someone such as a bookkeeper or family member that you have granted permission to have access to your online business accounts. A delegate can have read-only access to your accounts and their transactions, or you can allow them to initiate transactions for you, such as bill payments or the transfer of funds from one account to another. Once a delegate initiates a transaction, you will be notified that the transaction requires your approval to continue.

When you create a delegate, you can specify which memberships the delegate can access. For example, you may have a business membership that contains business-only accounts and a separate personal membership. After you consolidate your personal and business memberships through Small Business Services online banking, you can allow the delegate to view your business membership but not your personal membership. The delegate will be able to see all accounts accessible via the business membership.

To ensure you’re in full control of your accounts and who can see them, we recommend you keep your business accounts and your personal accounts in separate memberships.


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