Farming is in Ryan De Ruyck’s blood. At a young age, he remembers helping his father, Benny, along with his three sisters on their family’s dairy farm near Bruxelles, Manitoba. As soon as he was old enough he started helping his father by feeding the calves, making hay beds, and cleaning up. Now, Ryan and his wife Lisa have continued his father’s and grandfather’s legacy: Lakeshore Holsteins Ltd.
Pictured L to R: Logan De Ruyck, Ryan De Ruyck, Connor De Ruyck, Lisa De Ruyck, Gavin De Ruyck, Benny De Ruyck, and Doreen De Ruyck.
Ryan and Lisa, moved onto the farm in 2006 when their oldest son was just one year old. Now with four boys of their own, Riley (19), Logan (17), Gavin (15), and Connor (12), Ryan and Lisa have plenty of farm hands to help with chores. Like their father, the De Ruyck boys started helping in the barn when they were old enough to hold a bottle and feed the calves. As a family farm, when they need extra help, they look to their cousins and other family members to fill that need.
In 2019, Ryan officially took over the farm from Benny. Having taken over the farm his own father started in 1933, Benny knew it was time to step back and make room for Ryan. Like most farmers, retirement does not mean Benny is done working on the farm; he is still involved with Lakeshore Holsteins
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